Extinguisment and prevention of flammeable liquid and gas fires
FPE Sontum can provide inert gas type extinguishing systems, such as Inergen, Novec and Argonite systems. These systems are designed by use of key components supplied by the manufacturers/license holders of these gaseous systems. The systems are normally built in open racks, or in enclosed cabinets.
FPE Sontum does not supply halon replacement gas systems, and CO2 systems. Gaseous systems are used for extinguishing and prevention (inerting) of flammeable liquid and gas fires, fires involving energized electrical equipment, as well as for a variety of combustibles found in the following applications:
- Computer rooms
- Raised floors
- Switch gear
- Power generation
- Engine rooms
- Turbine hoods
- Telecommunications
- Manufacturing and industrial processes
- Any normally occupied or unoccupied areas with sensitive electronic equipment
Gaseous systems are used as total flooding systems and must not be used as an extinguishing agent for chemicals containing its own oxygen supply or reactive metals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, or titanium.
Gaseous systems are used for extinguisment and prevention (inerting) of flammeable liquid and gas fires, fires involving energized electrical equipment, as well as for a variety of combustibles found in the following applications:
- Computer rooms
- Raised floors
- Switch gear
- Power generation
- Engine rooms
- Turbine hoods
- Telecommunications
- Manufacturing and industrial processes
- Any normally occupied or unoccupied areas with sensitive
- electronic equipment